Science Faction

One of the most common questions I get is “what do you read?”. Over the last few years, I have moved from business books as my primary diet to fiction.

Fiction provides more context, perspective, and ideas for my work and life. It’s an unfettered view into what the world could be, not a partial, fashionable view of what the world was.

Besides, fiction is more entertaining.

If you want to read three books to help you understand technology and business, I recommend:
1+2) Daemon, and Freedom™ by Daniel Suarez
3) Avogadro Corp. by William Hertling

I had an opportunity to talk to a bunch of really brilliant, overachieving high school students last year and they asked me what advice I would give them for the summer break. I told them to “read more fiction.” They all voted to spend more time on Khan Academy. Oh well.


Now read this

Seeing into the future

I’ve been learning more and more about how venture capitalists and investors operate in the past year or so (after raising our first venture round). They are an interesting bunch of animals. One of the most interesting traits I’ve seen... Continue →